How to get the best value from your Child Care Provider
Are you getting the best value from your Child Care Provider? Yes?, No?, Maybe? What do I look for? This is an often overlooked question some should be asking on a regular basis, and most certainly should be asked and discussed before signing any paper work. Most people look for the cheapest price not realizing that finding the cheapest may turn into limiting your options when you need certain things in a child care setting the most.
For Example:
If your contract only allows for care in the afternoon only–would your care service be able to provide temporary hours for the morning or late evening?
How hard would it be to switch your child care plan?
Are there sibling discounts?
If your child currently attends school and there was an early dismissal, is your child care set up to accommodate the early dismissal from school?
Is the staff professionally trained?
If you school closed unexpectedly is your child care provider ready to provide care at a moments notice?
Payment options: weekly, bi- weekly, Monthly?
Does your child care offer some kind of Parent app/ email to keep you in the loop?
If you do have issues with the staff is there a direct way to speak with someone immediately or do you have to book an appointment and wait?
Does the care center sit children in front of a TV or constantly just send them outside–or do they engaged and interact with the children?
How is the security handled? do they have cameras in place? secured electronically locked doors? A fool-proof way of determining who your child is released to?
Does your child care offer regular “Open house” opportunities, to communicate parent concerns and opportunities?
Sanitation and cleanliness…Is your child care provider doing the minimum necessary or are they going full steam ahead with increased disinfecting schedules and on spot cleanings?
These are just some of the questions you can ask yourself when assessing the value you are getting; the value comes from “How is your child care “Over Delivering”?
We will discuss how to get the absolute best pricing in an upcoming post
“Smile Bright”